Britta Uhl
Kleine Burgstr. 16
23552 Lübeck
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Fotos Britta Uhl und Duo Amelia ©Humbert
Fotos Trave Trio ©Büsgen/Timmermann
Bilder in Britten Videos (alle von Wikimedia Commons):
Pan: Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640), Pan and Syrinx (ca. 1636)
Phaeton: Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640), The Fall of Phaeton (1604-1608)
Niobe: 1. Pierre-Charles Jombert (1748-1825), Niobe's children are killed by Apollo and Diana (1772), 2. Jacques-Louis David (1748–1825), Apollo and Diana Attacking the Children of Niobe (1772), 3. Richard Wilson (1714–1782), The Destruction of Niobe’s Children (1768)
Bacchus: Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665), 1. Bacchanale ou Bacchus et Ariane (1624-1625), 2. Bacchanal with a Lute player (1620s)
Narcissus: 1. Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio) (1571–1610), Narcissus (1594-1596), 2. John William Waterhouse (1849–1917), Echo and Narcissus (1903), 3. Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665), Echo and Narcissus (1627)
Arethusa: 1. Carlo Maratta (1625–1713), Alpheus and Arethusa (ca. 1680), 2. Luigi Garzi (attr.) (1638–1721), Alpheus and Arethusa (ca. 1690), 3. John Martin (1789–1854), Alpheus and Arethusa (1832)
Aufnahmen und Videoschnitt: Britta Uhl
© 2023 Britta Uhl